Autistry Studios Newsletter – November 9, 2009

Posted By on November 9, 2009

Time warp! It’s been well over 2 weeks since the last newsletter. We’ve been super busy around here. We had a great time at the GGRC Service Provider Fair. Lots of people stopped by the Autistry table and asked for more information. Steven’s Factory on a Cloud diorama and Sarah’s Super Robot Monkey plushie were big hits.

The Autistry staff will be meeting over Thanksgiving weekend to plan for our 2010 workshop schedule – including our summer program. If you have any suggestions or requests please let us know.

Many of you have asked for a special Cosplay Costuming Workshop leading up to the Fanime Convention May 28-31 in San Jose. This year we would like to film the workshop and all of us at the convention so we may do a combo Film/Costume Workshop. We’ll keep you posted.

Chelsea, the Bay School senior filming a documentary about Autistry Studios has now visited each of the workshops and will begin filming soon. If you have any questions or want more information about this project please give us a call.

Friday College Support/Build Stuff Workshop: The concentration and productivity of this group over the last few weeks has been incredible. Corey is finishing up the Harvey Milk diorama, Phoebe is finishing up Ramses II, and Breton’s Elf World is becoming more and more detailed. Kris began a new project: Tank in Bocage Terrain – we’re all learning a lot about warfare amid the hedgerows.

Saturday Filmmaking Workshop: We have left Pre-Production and entered the Production Phase of the workshop. Andrew will begin editing The Rush Limbaugh Puppet Show next week using shot footage and found footage. Steven’s new Bupim epic is ready to shoot – well, almost ready! Devon is venturing into a new arena, documentary filmmaking. Her first project is a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Bupim. Steven is cooperating – well, sort of.

Sunday Build Stuff Workshop: We welcomed a new student to our Sunday group, Paul. He jumped right in and began building a helmet from the video game Halo. Joseph and Ryan both laid out the track for their train layouts and began work on the terrain. Ian constructed the box and the interior walls for his Matrix Dojo diorama project. Lots of energy with these four boys!

About The Author

Janet is the Executive Director and co-founder of Autistry Studios (also known as SuperMom). She co-leads many of the workshops, counsels individuals and groups, supervises MFT interns, makes brownies, sews costumes, edits video projects, builds websites, and mops the floor.
