The Autistry Studios Mission

Helping ASD youth become independent adults.

At Autistry Studios we help teens and adults with Autism, Asperger's and other learning differences become successfully independent by leveraging their interests and talents while creating a community.

March 2025
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Fall 2021 Newsletter

Posted By on August 25, 2021

What? College classes start this week. This summer just sped by! We were all so happy to be at least partially out of COVID confinement that we crammed as much fun and adventure as we could into this summer. We surfed, kayaked, went whitewater rafting, enjoyed playing in the parks and hiking through the hills.

Now we are settling into the fall semester. Autistry is launching a hybrid model – some remote activities and some in-studio activities. We are keeping the group sizes small (no more than 6 students), wearing masks when indoors, and following COVID check-in protocols. For the Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program (ACAP) we are offering two new classes: the Tinker Workshop and the Drama Workshop.

The Tinker Workshop, led by Dan Swearingen and Emily Andersen, brings the maker spirit into the day program. Dan is excited to share his love of model building with the students. Emily grew up surrounded by makers and brings a passion for teaching and creating. They will be assisted by a returning mentor, James Dinkelspiel who this year graduated from UC San Diego with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Students will learn basic project skills, measuring, cutting, construction, and, along the way refresh their basic math abilities. Projects include building gliders, kites, bird houses and whatever else strikes our fancy.

Tim Flavin and Shelby Green lead the new Drama Workshop. Tim recently returned from England where he had a long career on stage and in film. He was also the Director of Musical Theatre at The Arden School of Theatre in Manchester for several years. Shelby is a long-time friend of Autistry with years of experience working with children and families. A great team to launch the new Autistry Drama Program!

We continue to support students taking courses at College of Marin or other institutions. This semester we have students taking Anthropology, Communication, Multimedia, Game Development, Early Childhood Education, Study Skills, and courses in the Medical Assisting Program. A very full schedule of academic endeavor at Autistry. And the Paid Internship Programs at Cadence Farm and the Western Railway Museum are going strong.

The Autistry Maker Incubator: we finally have the keys to 850 4th Street, San Rafael. The interior construction will begin soon as we convert this glorious open space into a large workshop, retail space and coffee bar. This is an ambitious undertaking and one that we are confident will be a huge success. The downtown location provides the opportunity for Autistry staff and students to become vibrant and productive members of the San Rafael community. We look forward to sharing our creative projects with the community while serving up a hot cup of coffee. Here is what we are starting with – we will post updates as the Maker Incubator takes shape:

This is a very exciting time at Autistry and a great time to join the Autistry team. We are hiring dynamic individuals for part-time and full-time mentor positions. You will work with a stellar staff and amazing students doing a job that doesn’t feel like work! To learn more, email and we will schedule an interview.

I rarely ask for donations in a newsletter, but this is a time of great growth for Autistry. So many new programs that will allow us to serve many more people. If you would like to support us as we create these new ventures please go to our Donations Page. It has been the support of our community that has kept us going and growing for nearly 14 years.

Thank you!
Janet, Dan, Sara and the Autistry Team

January 5, 2021 – Newsletter

Posted By on January 6, 2021

It feels so good to write 2021 and put 2020 behind us. Though the last year was dark with fires, COVID, and economic uncertainty there were times of light and laughter. Autistry ended the year with stunning success stories.

We supported 20 students taking several different courses at College of Marin and…all the students not only passed but most passed with As!

A huge round of applause for our Drama students, the COM professors Molly Noble and Lisa Morse, Autistry staff Gabrielle Haggett-Molina, Phil Lewis and Benji Harrington for a wonderful online theater experience. The students performed scenes from You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown directed by drama major, Michelle Samuels. The students also performed monologues for their course final. We look forward to more collaboration with the COM Drama Department in 2021.

Drama Class Monologues

And kudos to Program Manager Claire Watry who lead her team (Cindy Clogston and Ellie Lastra) in supporting seven Autistry students taking English 120. All seven students ACED the class! These guys studied very hard, never missed a class, and helped each other by reviewing each other’s work and giving helpful feedback. Many of them are going on to take Creative Writing this spring semester. We are looking forward to the stories they will tell.

Shelby Green and Rhoda Robertson guided three students through the new STSK:Math class. They practiced everyday practical math and learned how to write a budget and how loan payments work (yes, you end up paying a lot more when you factor in that interest!). They each did a final project where they shared a portion of the class that they liked or wanted to learn more about. One student chose to do a presentation on needs and wants and how best to manage them (I could use that advice!). Another focused his presentation on budgeting. And one student, wrote a song that encourages growing your own business and gave advice on the best ways to do that. Practical projects that were made fun!

Shelby and Claire also supported one of our students as she followed her path toward becoming a medical assistant. She took Medical Terminology and Medical Administration Procedures. These are not easy classes but she aced both of them and will not doubt continue this success in 2021. The healthcare industry needs this Autistry student!

We continued the paid internship program with the horses at Cadence Farm because, hey, plague or no plague horses need to be exercised, need to eat, and they keep on pooping! Our interns are doing a great job and are becoming skilled equestrian support workers.

Working at Cadence Farm

Sara Gardner and Dan Coppock added to their Cadence chores by supporting four students in a very demanding Multi-Media class focusing on PhotoShop. The students created movie posters, book covers, and fantasy self-portraits – Alter Egos! Elf in the Meadow, Raging Unicorn, and the Angel in the Outfield:

Alter Egos

Sunday we started the year off with a battle royal! Our Dungeons and Dragons players had landed themselves in prison. In order to win their freedom they had to outwit their Goblin guards. In a series of clever games, masterly role-playing and lucky D20 rolls, they are now poised to break free. More to come next Sunday as we continue this weekly adventure led by Dan, Michaela Callahan, Samantha Gardner, and Tamera McNeil.

Goblins Attack!

Presidio & Ferries 28

We plan to resume paid internship activity at the Western Railway Museum as soon as COVID passes and the facility opens up. Dan is now on the WRM board and enjoys meeting with other train enthusiasts online to discuss museum issues. He has also designated a project for Autistry – rebuilding the Presidio and Ferries 28, a double-ended, single truck trolley car which resembles a short version of a California Street cable car. It is a mere hulk so lots of work to be done!

Looking forward to a great new year!

August 27, 2020 – Newsletter

Posted By on August 27, 2020

The first week of college classes has begun. Yes, summer 2020 is truly over and what a strange, surreal experience this has been. In mid-March we converted all our services to working remote. We usually plan several outdoor adventures during the summer: whitewater rafting, kayaking, camping, and long walks along the beach. But this summer it was Zoom, Zoom, Zoom and for fun, a little bit more Zooming. And yet, we managed to have a great time at Autistry. A time that was both entertaining and educational and we even found a way to do limited outdoor activities. For this I thank our great Autistry staff.

Black Beauty

With the mandated COVID lockdown we began the summer with entirely online programming. Michaela and Reina designed an exciting and engaging Autistry Summer English curriculum. They chose the book, My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George and created amazing activities and challenging academic assignments to augment the reading. This class was a huge success with several students and their families reporting a renewed interest in reading. We want to continue to encourage this love of reading, so this fall we created the Autistry Book Clubs. These clubs are less academic than the Autistry Summer English class but just as educational (in other words – no homework!). We kicked off the new clubs with Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. Sara is coordinating her virtual equestrian sessions from Cadence Farm with the reading material to bring the book to life.

For our more advanced readers, Dan led a class based on the program developed by Pixar and Disney: Imagineering in a Box. This course prepared our students for English 120 which many of them will be taking at College of Marin this fall. They practiced world creation, descriptive writing skills, and understanding story themes in the context of stories they chose and assigned works. The course videos and many support materials can be found online at the Kahn Academy. Dan adapted the course to help our students smoothly transitioned into the College of Marin English class. There will be 7 Autistry students in the English 120 class and they are ready to go!

By mid-June, the COVID restrictions had lifted slightly so our paid internship (PIP) crews returned to work at Cadence Farm. They groomed and exercised the horses, cleaned and refreshed the stalls, polished the tack, and generally supported the Square Peg staff. The interns also wrote wonderful essays in support of their favorite horses for the T.I.P. Thoroughbred of the Year Nominations. Sara Gardner provided remote equestrian tutorials via, yes, Zoom! These twice-a-week sessions kept those Autistry students who were not able to go to the stables connected to their equine friends – and the horses enjoyed the attention.
Another PIP crew was able to return to work with the rangers at the Marin County Parks. The crews are scheduled to rotate working at each of the 12 Marin County parks, spending 6 weeks at each one. The first crew worked at McNears Park and then Paradise Beach Park before we paused the program to prepare for the new school semester. Once the school rhythm is established the crews will return – and they are eager to get back to work.

The Park Rangers report that the Autistry crews have been a great support and help at the parks. The Autistry crews have learned to identify the various invasive species present in the parks and have helped the rangers both in maintaining the aesthetic landscaping of the parks as well as managing the balance of native plant life there.
The staff also organized weekly small group hikes in and around local neighborhoods. The students and staff practiced recommended COVID safety measures – wearing masks, staying at least 6 feet apart, and routinely washing their hands. The mentors met up with the students in their own neighborhoods, so transportation was kept to a minimum. When rides were needed, they were provided by family members or designated drivers. These outings were essential for everyone’s mental health! These neighborhood hikes were another lesson learned this summer and one that we will continue throughout the year. The anxiety brought about by the COVID uncertainty only grows stronger when one is socially isolated.
We have been thinking a lot about the long-term life goals of our Autistry students. We have seen how important a good basic education is to the development of a strong personal identity and how productive, meaningful work sustains and nourishes that identity. Autistry is excited and hopeful about the movement to create the Autism Full Employment Act of 2021. And we are happy to take part in the discussion as we all explore employment options. To read more about the Autism Full Employment Act please read the article by Michael Bernick posted in Forbes earlier this week.

Stay safe, stay well, and stay in touch!

-Janet, Dan, Sara, Matt and the entire Autistry Team

Newsletter – March 31, 2020

Posted By on March 31, 2020

Autistry shot into 2020 as if from a child’s slingshot with the Heart of Marin Award quickly followed by the Jefferson Award and now here we all are grounded like naughty teenagers.

The Autistry staff was not deterred. Within 2 days of the Shelter-in-Place (SIP) order they had all our clients online with access to our home base server on Discord. They helped each client download software to access group activities and stay engaged with our community. This was an incredible achievement which required hours of patiently giving directions over the phone on how to configure the different devices – iPads, laptops, tablets, iPhones, etc. The Autistry team is filled with gaming nerds and programmers who are fabulous at tech support.

A special shout out to Allie Mages who has uncovered hidden tech skills becoming the Autistry go-to tech admin person.

Many of the College of Marin courses that our students were taking have converted to online classes. We currently support students in Psychology, Multi-Media, English, Ethnic Studies, Organic Farming and Medical Assistant courses. Our mentors are able to continue supporting the students in class and also in online study groups led by the Autistry course mentors.


These sessions have been very successful and we will probably continue to offer these in addition to real-life groups after the SIP has been lifted.  And we have discovered great ways to make learning fun: Claire and Annie playing hangman to help memorize medical terms.


For classes that have been cancelled the staff continue to meet with the students in online Zoom groups and have created curricula to replicate and extend the work the students had been doing at COM. This has been quite a challenge for Ceramics but Matt and Chuy are coming up with cool activities to keep everyone learning. The Voice for Actors class actually works well as a virtual experience. Phil and Reina give each student the opportunity to present their monologue to the others in a Zoom meeting and get feedback. They are doing monologues from Beauty and the Beast.


And even our paid internship crews are continuing to gain knowledge about their workplaces. Sara Gardner began this week to create online learning modules about horse care and characteristics. She plans to augment these modules with instructive videos on how to exercise horses and how to clean and maintain equipment. When they have a moment to spare, Dan will create some training modules on trains at the Western Railway Museum and Matt will design a module about Marin County Parks.


Check out this short video about Autistry for the Jefferson Award: 

2019 End-of-Year Newsletter

Posted By on November 25, 2019

Another year of rapid growth and development at Autistry! We have grown so quickly that I only just realized it has been a year since the last newsletter. The silence is not from lack of cool news to report – more like lack of time to report it!

New students – Fall semester 2019 we supported 20 students taking classes at College of Marin. And, as of this writing (a week before finals) all the students are passing their classes. The students are really challenging themselves with college level courses in Geology, Biology, English, Drama, and Art. Several students are also taking a Study Skills class to improve their academic abilities and prepare for next semester.

We welcomed several new students into the Core Workshops on Friday and Sunday. They are coming in from Sonoma, Oakland, San Leandro and as far south as San Mateo. The pull to create additional Autistry locations is getting stronger. We would love to create a network of studios. If you are interested in starting an Autistry in your area contact us – we are open to exploring the possibilities.

New programs – In 2019 we launched two new programs, the Autistry Skills Adaptation Program (ASAP) and the Paid Internship Program (PIP). ASAP is a 6-month program providing targeted training to young adults transitioning from high school, post-high school programs, or individuals seeking support to become more independent. Although designed to prepare individuals for entry into the Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program the Autistry Skills Adaptation Program also prepares individuals for other vocational or education programs. ASAP is vendorized by the Golden Gate Regional Center.

The Paid Internship Program (PIP) began quietly and then took off. Our partnerships with the Western Railway Museum and Square Peg Foundation proved to be so mutually beneficial that we added several more interns to each work site. At the museum, the students are learning basic maintenance skills as well as developing new workplace abilities – painting, climbing up scaffolding, working as a team, and even how to drive the electric work vehicles. This summer we will begin training on how to drive some of the trolley cars and engage with several of the restoration projects.

At Cadence Farm, in addition to keeping the horse stalls clean and dry, the interns learn how to wash and groom these magnificent retired thoroughbred racehorses. And, as the students gain more confidence and form relationships with the horses, they are taught how to train and exercise them. This begins with guiding the horse through a series of paces – walk, trot, and canter. An exercise in trust for all concerned.

New opportunities – In July, Autistry received a large grant from the Department of Disability Services. The grant is to support the expansion of our current community partnerships and the development of new partnerships. We are looking for new organizations in addition to the Railway Museum and Cadence Farm to provide work experience for our students. The grant also supports the training and certification of Janet and Sara to become Person-Centered Trainers to train Autistry staff as well as other community organizations in soon-to-be mandatory PCT practices.

In October, Steve Earle, famed singer/songwriter once again held a benefit concert for Autistry, this time at Sweetwater Music Hall in Mill Valley. It was a sold-out success. Steve’s performance was powerful and his shout out to Autistry was eloquent and passionate. The evening filled our hearts and went a long way toward filling our funding gap.

New adventures – And we had fun! This summer we went on two adventures with the Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC). In June we kayaked to Angel Island and spent the night in the old Quartermaster’s House. And in August, we shot the rapids of the south fork of the American River. These were both challenging, exhilarating, and amazing adventures. To start 2020 off right, we are planning a cross country skiing expedition with ETC in January.

As I am having a trouble finding quiet time to write newsletters please join us on Facebook to keep up with all the news, view the great photos and videos, and stay in touch!

We are entering the Giving Season and hope that you will continue to support our students through your generous donations. Check out Giving 2019 on our donation page.

Wishing you all the happiest of holidays,

Janet, Dan, Sara, Matt, and the Autistry team

2018 Update

Posted By on December 29, 2018

Oh, what an amazing year!

Autistry growth in 2018 was much like that of a teenager- awkward and exhilarating, fun and a bit frightening, at times plodding and frustrating yet filled with limitless possibilities.
We grew in bursts and scrambled to hire staff to work with all the new students. We went from 4-day work weeks to 6-day work weeks (and the 7th may yet come into play).

Like teenagers, we explored, experimented, bonded together, and overcame obstacles as we pushed through to a new level of organizational maturity.

Core Workshop: we welcomed many new students this year and saw the completion of some outstanding projects. Edward and Tom created beautiful large puppets that have now set off a new puppet-making trend at the studio. Danielle put the finishing touches on her Under the Sea 4-piece multi-media artwork. Alex’s new board game is a huge hit. Jonathan designed and built octagonal redwood end tables for his patio. Steven and Nat are each working on sequels to their last animated short films. Freya finished Jupiter, the first in her ShopBot planet project. And Avery’s Venom diorama received far better reviews than the movie!

Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program: our most impressive growth has come in the ACAP program. Not only did we triple our ACAP student body after the spring semester but we have several new students and new staff beginning in January. All our ACAP students take at least one academic college course during their first two semesters in the program. Managing all these college course schedules, vocational skill trainings, and community activities is a challenge but well worth the effort: the Fall 2018 students surpassed all our expectations! Many of our students are well on their way to getting AA degrees. Others have discovered new abilities and awakened dormant talents by taking challenging courses. They all worked diligently, studied in earnest, and are setting new goals for themselves in 2019.

I could not be prouder of this group of young adults, many of whom did not recieve a high school diploma. They have reinvigorated my faith in the resilency of the human brain and the human spirit. Seeing their success has also strengthened my committment to continue to advocate for remedial level community college Math and English courses that allow students to gain foundational academic skills. The maturational lag of autism often precludes autistic individuals from accessing/processing abstract information at the same age as their neurotypical peers. Because of this, autistic students are diverted into speical education life skills courses and are assumed to be unable to grasp complex material. But, as the Autistry students are proving, brains mature at different rates and when they are ready they surprise us all.

2019 Plans: Autistry has partnered with two other nonprofit organizations to create vocational internships. Square Peg Foundation at Cadence Farm in Sonoma and the Western Railway Museum in Rio Vista both offer a wide variety of jobs and many opportunities to learn new skills. At Cadence Farm our crews will be working with rescued thoroughbred racehorses and helping to maintain the farm and keeping all the various riding equipment in top shape. At the Western Railway Museum there is much work to be done restoring historic trolley cars, general museum upkeep, and engaging with the public. Meaningful work and continued college education are the key ingredients for Autistry 2019.

It’s End-of-Year Donation time! Please help us continue to create innovative and exciting programs for autistic teens and adults. To see what your donations support check out the Giving 2018 Blog or go directly to our Donate Page. Thank you!

Join us on Facebook for the latest project photos and program updates.

Giving 2018

Posted By on November 23, 2018

Autistry Studios builds independent adults.

Becoming independent is not a passive process.
It takes courage and an inner fortitude to challenge oneself to learn a new skill, break an old habit, or create a dream.

Autistry is a therapeutic/educational Maker Space celebrating its 10th year providing programs and services to autistic teens and adults and those with other developmental, communication, and social issues.

The services Autistry provides go well beyond the funds provided by the Regional Center and the workshop fees. As with most nonprofits, Autistry relies on the support of the community to continue to offer unique and effective programs and to expand those programs as the needs of our students change.

Make donations on our Donate page

Your donations have a great impact:

Sew much help! $50 buys 24 1,000 yard spools of thread, assorted hand-needles, pin cushions, seam rippers AND a pair of fabric scissors for creating costumes, quilts, puppets, and stuffed animals!
Art supplies keep Autistry artists painting dioramas, fine art pieces and fabulous character clocks. $100 buys a set of 53 tubes of acrylic paint, 3 quarts of gel medium, AND 12 natural bristle brushes.
Support the Autistry Excursion groups as they explore local attractions throughout the Bay Area: 20 bus rides, 10 SMART train trips, AND 10 tickets to the Asian Art Museum are just a few of the ways we would spend $250.
Hands-on learning requires hands-on materials. A $500 donation purchases 10 sheets of plywood, 5 new blades for the jigsaw, AND 4 new ShopBot bits – enough material for at least 20 cool projects.
We are what we eat! $1,000 provides nutritious lunches for one full month of Autistry Workshops AND buys groceries for the Cooking with Gabrielle workshop where students learn to make complete meals.
Saddle up! Through our partnership with the Square Peg Foundation Autistry students gain essential equestrian work skills – horse grooming, ranch maintenance, and the care of saddles and bridles. $2,500 covers transportation costs and essential protective gear – work gloves, sunscreen, and work hats.
All aboard! Autistry is partnering with the Western Railway Museum to create a unique skill-building internship program. A $5000 donation purchases safety equipment (work gloves, protective eyewear, safety vests) and covers transportation costs for a full summer of hands-on work experience for 2 Autistry crews.
Opportunity funding helps low income families access Autistry Core Workshops. $10,000 donation creates sliding scale options for at least 5 new Autistry students. Help us help them!

Autistry Newsletter – September 11, 2018

Posted By on September 11, 2018

We are well into the new school semester and I still haven’t done a summer wrap-up newsletter. Let’s fix that!

In June we launched our first Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program (ACAP) Summer Session. It was five days a week of exercise, vocational training, college prep, and fun. The program tripled in size the first week, reaching our goal of 12 students a full 6 months earlier than planned. All of the summer ACAP students have continued with us into the fall semester.

ACAP Excursion to Jack London State Park

Lots of walking …

Each week began with a trip to the Dominican University Conlan Center for a workout session and/or a swim in the pool. The trip itself was exercise and travel training. Students walked from the studio to the San Rafael Transit Center and took the bus to the gym. Many lessons learned along the way: Do not walk along busy streets wearing ear plugs and playing games on your iPhone. Yes, you need either current college ID, ticket, or an active Clipper Card to ride the Marin Transit bus. No, the bus does not wait for you if you are late to the bus stop.

Ian and Teodros – Gym Buddies!

At the gym the students, under the direction of Autistry mentors and DU graduate OT interns, created individualized workout plans and paired up to be Gym Buddies. And there was at least one pool session a week where the students could improve their swimming skills and review water safety. The Conlan also provided a great basketball court, outdoor soccer fields, and a running track – we made use of them all.

Original Bamboo Equine Themed Coasters

Back at the studio, we honed our vocational skills with several different projects. Matt Glenwright, Autistry Program Director for Vocational Training, taught shop skills using the laser cutter, ShopBot, bandsaw, and other woodworking tools. Students also used graphic and CAD software to create unique designs. Lots of measuring, figuring, and cutting went on this summer. We were happy to donate three sets of original equine-themed bamboo coasters to a raffle supporting Square Peg Foundation. And, we delivered the Art Boxes to Oak Hill School.

Delivering Art Boxes to Oak Hill School

Yummy – tangy tastes!

Wednesday’s Cooking with Gabrielle was a huge hit. Each week featured a student’s favorite family recipe allowing us to enjoy new tastes: chana masala, homemade pesto, Mason Family cranberry sauce, creamy vegan one-pot pasta, and many more tasty dishes. They also experimented with exotic spices and strange, tongue-tickling textures.

Lots of studying …

In the spirit of keeping our brains active and preparing for fall college classes we spent many hours doing academic basics: reading writing, and arithmetic. Gabrielle and Sara prepared special learning packets for each of the students to brush up on Math and English skills. When classes started in late August the Autistry students were ready.

And, of course, there were the fabulous Friday excursions with Sara Gardner. Just a few of the places they visited: San Francisco Exploratorium, Point Reyes National Seashore, Japanese Tea Garden, Square Peg Foundation horse farm, SF zoo, and Jack London State Park. These excursion are not only fun but also practice travel skills and offer the opportunity to explore our community.

ACAP Excursion to the Bay Model in Sausalito

Peek-a-Boo Under the Sea: multi-media piece by Danielle

The Core Build Stuff Workshops remain the heart of Autistry. In these weekly 4-hour workshops amazing projects are being created. This summer Edward finished his plushie character, Dashi from Octonauts. He is now working on a very cool puppet. Danielle completed her award-winning multi-media piece, Peek-a-Boo – Under the Sea, several animated films are underway, and many 3D printed projects happened.

Yoda – carved on ShopBot with laser cut paper overlay

This fall we celebrate 10 Years of Autistry Build Stuff Workshops! We offered our first workshop in September 2008 and we have added new workshops and new services every year. Please consider a donation to help us continue to expand Autistry for another 10 years!

Autistry Newsletter – June 16, 2018

Posted By on June 16, 2018

Summer is here! Before I tell you about the great summer program at Autistry I want to celebrate and congratulate our students who have successfully found employment. This is a tough job market where even entry level positions often require college degrees. Though Autistry does not formally provide job placement we have found that good work habits lead to good jobs. Both the Core Workshops and the Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program focus on essential workplace skills – critical thinking and problem solving, effective communication, self-regulation, initiative, follow-through, basic academic skills, and teamwork.

Alan, Mike, and Ian G. are all on staff next door at Renew Computers. They will greet you when you come in, help unload your recyclable goods, build you a new computer, and do it all with a smile. Other Autistry students test and clean keyboards and mice helping to keep electronic devices in working order and out of the landfill. We are proud of our Autistry workers and our partnership with Michael Reynolds and Renew Computers.

Sprouts Farmers Market has welcomed three Autistry students onto their staff: Steven, Chris, and Sawyer (not pictured). You’ll find Steven at the check-out counter ringing up your purchases. Sawyer is working in the deli section and Chris is everywhere – stocking shelves, cleaning up, and helping customers take their groceries to the car. Sprouts is a short walk from Autistry so we like to shop and check in on our friends.

Congratulations to Danny!
He landed two summer positions in local restaurants. Danny is currently enrolled in the Culinary Arts Program at Santa Rosa Junior College. Restaurant positions are very competitive but Danny persevered sending out several rounds of applications, doing interviews, and kitchen ‘try-outs’. He will be working two part-time jobs as an intern line cook gaining crucial experience in his chosen career. Bon Appetit!

And Corey – our media star! For years Corey has dreamed of working on Hollywood movies and this year he finally got his foot in the door as an extra on several productions filmed locally. You can see him in 13 Reasons Why, The OA, and A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities. Years ago, I was an extra in Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in America. This seems like an easy job but I can tell you it is very demanding. Long hours of boredom interspersed with high-energy activity. Focus, self-regulation, following complex directions, and trying to be social when you are exhausted are all important skills for this job. Corey continues to get call backs from production companies and that shows he has mastered these skills. And he just had a very good 3-month job review from P-Town Books. Bravo Corey!

Autistry Summer Programs: ACAP (Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program) and the Core Workshops are going full force this summer. With college classes on summer break the ACAP curriculum has expanded to include twice weekly workouts at the Conlan Center of Dominican University. With the help of four DU Occupational Therapy Level II interns, we are creating individualized fitness programs for each student.

Matt has developed a summer vocational program to produce the art boxes, snowflake ornaments, and iPad screen guards so the workshop is humming. Gabrielle is working with the students to create menus based on student family favorite and traditional dishes for the Wednesday Cooking Class. Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean we stop learning – throughout the week we will have Academic Review Sessions to prepare for college courses in the Fall.

And, it wouldn’t be ACAP without Sara’s Excursion Fridays! They have already gone kayaking, hiking, and to the theater to see Incredibles 2!

The Core Workshop is busy with new projects and lots of new materials. Dan has gone crazy purchasing Arduino micro-controllers and electronic components to make all sorts of cool gadgets. And the trains are back! We’re adding home-made DCC (digital command control) systems to remotely control the trains as they speed along the tracks and will be experimenting with dead-rail (battery powered) systems. We are working on the layout adding new buildings and rebuilding the tunnels. The Friday College Support group has been developing tabletop games and some students are working on writing and 3D design projects. Lots of fun!

Autistry Newsletter April 18, 2018

Posted By on April 20, 2018

Ian’s Reading Circle

April is Autism Acceptance Month. I’m not sure what that means as I can’t imagine not accepting autism as a way of being, a way of experiencing the world. But I also know that many individuals need help along the way. Please take some time this month (and every month) to thank the schools, services, and programs that work hard all year long to help autistic children, teens, and adults become independent and accomplish great things. And just for fun, here is a photo of Ian recreating the Marindale Early Intervention Autism Class reading circle for his special students.

Now that you’re smiling: Help us meet a $7,500 challenge from the Miranda Lux Foundation. To unlock this $7,500 grant, we need to raise $7,500 to match. Your donations will be matched dollar for dollar. The Miranda Lux grant supports our Make and Share Vocational Training Project. This unique project, teaches woodworking, computer-aided design (CAD), and computer-aided light manufacturing (CAM) by creating products to donate to our community. Production is well underway on two projects:

Screen guard designed by Dan Phillips, made at Autistry

Custom iPad Screen Guards: In collaboration with the Tech Resource Center Marin, a program of the Marin County Office of Education, we are designing and producing acrylic screen guards for use with touch screen monitors. These screen guards are specifically designed to assist physically challenged individuals when using iPads and other touch activated devices.

Art Boxes on the ShopBot

Art Boxes: These are assembled and ready-to-decorate wooden boxes that can be used by school and nonprofit art programs to create dioramas. Students learn to measure, cut, and assemble projects. They learn to use the laser cutter and the ShopBot, a robotic cutting tool.

The boxes are 8″ x 11″ x 4.5″ The back is MDF which is very good to paint on. The sides are 1/2″ plywood. They include a separate piece of MDF 7″ x 10″ which can be painted separately and then glued inside the box after painting. Our first order will be delivered to Oak Hill School this summer!

ACAP students study together

For our ACAP students the spring semester is quickly drawing to a close and the ACAP students are busy preparing for finals and finishing up their assignments. We have all learned a lot this semester, not just the coursework but also the finer points helping our students navigate college.

Throughout the year, College of Marin Student Accessibility Service (SAS) has been a fabulous partner. Stormy Miller, Director of SAS and her team have helped us find accommodations that work for our students and provided a supportive and accepting environment that fosters intellectual growth and independence. This semester we have students in two different math classes, a C++ programming class, and a music class. Four of our students are working towards their AA degrees.

Besides going to school our ACAP students have been working on life skills like grocery shopping and cooking. On the Friday excursions they have visited the Asian Art Museum, the Charles Schultz ‘Peanuts’ Museum, the Bay Model in Sausalito, the de Young Museum, the Legion of Honor, and many other cool places. They have also hiked through Samuel P. Taylor Park, Marin Headlands and Point Reyes. Excursion Fridays with Sara are a hit at Autistry!

Our students in the Core Workshop Program have been busy creating amazing projects. Steven completed the stop motion animation short, Kirby vs The Dark Mattarmy and is now working on a new narrative film.


Avery sculpted the character Venom and is working on a scenic diorama where Venom can live and wreak havoc.

Good Cat, Frank

Nat’s picture book, Good Cat, Frank will be available soon on Amazon.

Enterprise Clock

Jonathan’s Enterprise Clock is ready for take-off.

Lots of other cool stuff keeping the3D printer, laser cutter and ShopBot busy!

Mark your calendars for Saturday April 28 – it’s time for our sixth Autistry Scientists & Artists Party! We have an amazing lineup of presenters this year. A celebrated film visual/special effects artist, an MIT Media Lab inventor, a virtual reality and hologram pro, and a gene-splicer from the Buck Institute! Wow, just Wow. And, Ken Pontac returns to emcee with his special blend of dark humor and deep kindness. Did I mention that there will be karaoke? There will be karaoke! Tickets available online!

A final reminder, please consider a donation to Autistry to help match the $7,500 pledged by the Miranda Lux Foundation. To unlock this $7,500 grant we need to raise $7,500 to match. Your donations will be matched dollar for dollar. Donations can be made online.