Going gluten-free at age 13

Posted By on June 15, 2009

NPR had a piece this morning about a boy who found he had celiac disease at age 13 and needed to go on a gluten-free diet. They noted that there are many more products available today to help provide a “normal” assortment of foods like sandwiches and cookies.

We have been on a Gluten Free Casein Free (GF-CF) diet for over ten years and have found it to be well worth the effort. GF-CF effectively means no wheat and no dairy and that pretty much eliminates 90% of the products found at a typical grocery store.

We have had many requests for details of how we do our diet and I’ll kick off that series soon.

About The Author

Dan is the Director of Studio Operations and co-founder of Autistry Studios which means that he's the guy who keeps everything working. Mechanical, Electrical, and Computational. In his spare time he teaches many "build stuff" workshops and if any time is left over after that he builds model trains or anything else he is momentarily interested in. Dan@Autistry.com http://www.facebook.com/daniel.swearingen http://www.polyweb.com/danno
