Autistry Studios Newsletter – June 2, 2009

Posted By on June 4, 2009

We added lots more content to the website and there are now links to past projects at the bottom of each Workshop page. We will add more as we go along and soon the site will be seriously ‘content rich’!

We took some great photos of Dan’s Friday and Sunday Build Stuff Workshops but we were all so busy on Saturday that we forgot to pick up the camera during Nate’s Filmmaking Workshop! This week we will make up for that and take a bunch of photos.

Nate will be going on vacation starting June 13th so this is the last June Saturday that he will be here. We are going to continue the Filmmaking Workshop for an additional 3 weeks (June 13, 20, and 27) with Dan and Janet leading the group. Nate will rejoin us in July for the twice a week classes.

We are in the process of forming a non-profit organization. We will be applying for grants soon – in fact, the first application is due June 15th. This is for a grant from Marin Charitable Association – a small grant from a local foundation. If you would like to write letters of support those would be truly appreciated.

Photos from the Weekend:

Friday Build Stuff Workshop

Sunday Build Stuff Workshop

See you all on the weekend,
Janet, Dan, Nate, and Jen

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