Posted By Janet Lawson, MFT on September 2, 2009
This summer just flew by and the new Fall Workshop season is almost here. We had a good August break though we still worked on the programs! We created an Autistry Studios Brochure. Big thank you’s to Suzi Musgrove of SLM Creative for her wonderful design, to Kitty Edwinson for lending her copyediting expertise and to Bob Gerke for creating our tagline: create, connect, achieve. And, of course, a thank you to all our Autistry Studios participants for being so exquisitely photogenic!
We installed the new big screen monitor and computer in the living room and held our first Movie Night. That was lots of fun and it’s time to start planning the next one. So send in your movie ideas and let’s get a discussion going on what to present. This time we will choose the film in advance and send out a notice so you can decide if this is one you want to watch.
We started the College Support Group which meets on Friday afternoons to help students who are going to College of Marin. In the process Dan and Janet are learning a lot about the criminal justice system, early civilizations, and the latest theories on human sexuality. We are also becoming more familiar with the COM online systems and getting to know some of the faculty.
We would like to do another Costuming Workshop in October leading into Halloween. Jen and Janet are working on the schedule for that now so please contact us if you’re interested.
New Group Project Idea: We would like to create an Autistry Studios 2010 Calendar. We are thinking that each of us could design the illustration for one month. It could be an original drawing or a photo of a project. If we have more than 12 submissions we can do split screens! Send us your thoughts on this. Do you think we should have a drawing to see who gets which month?
REMINDER: Autistry Studios will have a table at the Marin Autism Resource Fair on Saturday, Sept. 12th at Dominican University. The Fair is from 8:30am – 1:30pm. Several of you have offered to join us at the table to answer questions about the program. Please let us know what times work best for you. Dan and Janet will be doing a presentation from 11:15 – 12:45 on Preparing Teens for Work. That presentation will be in the Meadowlands Assembly Hall – directions to the Hall will be at our table.
2nd REMINDER: It is time to confirm your place in the Fall workshops. Just email us a note and we can discuss the best placement. Below are the dates for the Filmmaking Workshop and the Build Stuff Workshop:
SATURDAYS: September 19TH – December 12TH 10am – 2pm
September 19, 26, October 3, 10 (4 classes)
No Class October 17
October 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21 (5 classes)
No Class November 28
December 5, 12 (2 classes)
SUNDAYS: September 20th – December 13th 12 – 4pm
September 20, 27, October 4, 11 (4 classes)
No Class October 18
October 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22 (5 classes)
No Class November 29
December 6, 13 (2 classes)
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Best, Janet, Dan, Nate and Jen
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