Janet Lawson, MFT | October 24, 2012
The Autistry Fun and Food Faire is this Sunday, Oct 28th! Tickets now available online: http://autistryfaire.brownpapertickets.com/
Fabulous hand-crafted items created especially for the Autistry Faire will be silently auctioned:
Hand-forged steel candlesticks by master blacksmith Toby Hickman

Koi Quilt (6’x8’) created by Courtenay Bell and Janet Lawson

Orange Baby Quilt (3’x4’) created by Courtenay Bell and Janet Lawson

Live Action Role-Playing Swords created by Ian Gurley and Amelia Sandy

And… handmade Steampunk jewelry by Amelia Sandy, unique jewelry from recycled books by Yes and Yes Designs, a quilted tote bag by Erin Reed, framed black & white photographs by Suzi Lee Musgrove, Courtenay’s Nest of Owls, romantic getaway from Russian River Escapes, a very special backstage tour of the ABC7 newsroom, personal training from Teri Glover, and a one-month membership to Body By X with Bio-Density Training!
Candlestick details:

Koi Quilt Detail:

Join us at the Faire!!
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Janet Lawson, MFT | October 10, 2012
It’s going to be a Steampunk Halloween at the Autistry Fun and Food Faire! And the Autistry elves are busy creating exciting activity booths, costumes and incredible auction items all with a steampunk theme – lots of gears, brass and corsets!
Andrew and Allison cut circles for the Bean Bag Toss.

Courtenay makes a nest of owls for the silent auction.

Amelia and Ian sewing side by side on matching LARP (life action role play) swords. Also for sale at the auction!

Costumes will abound! Chris is working on his Star Wars Helmet.

Ashley is creating a mask.

And there will be music on handmade instruments. Ryan with the Emerald Dazzler.

Daniel S. on the Ruby Gem. These guitars rock!

Sara playing a tune on the flute made by Daniel M.

Join us at the Faire! It will be fun for the whole family. Tickets are available online at: http://autistryfaire.brownpapertickets.com/
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