Dan Swearingen | June 16, 2012

We seem to have an outbreak of impromptu hairdressing happening at Autistry lately. First Anna had taken a start at a cool red coloring on her hair.

Courtenay and all the other women in the workshop took off for the nearest drugstore and found the color Anna liked best.
Anna was thrilled with the result.

We never quit when we are ahead, so when Theresa showed up with a new ‘do and partial purple color…

… we helped her with a more aggressive cut.
Sara, Courtenay, and Theresa looking up haircut ideas.

Out come the scissors…

Going for really short in the back:

Everyone happy with the result.

Category: Student Projects, Studio Newsletters |
Janet Lawson, MFT | June 5, 2012
We are taking orders for the first Autistry Studios t-shirt. The t-shirt was inspired by the recent report that 1 in 88 children born in the U.S. will be diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Being that one individual in the midst of the other 88 can be lonely but at Autistry that is not the case. Here ASD folks are not only in the majority but they are running the show!
To order your t-shirt and support Autistry Studios click on one of the buttons below. Sizes available are Small, Medium, Large and X-Large. Price is $24.00 each, $3.00 shipping and handling. California sales tax will be added to your order.

Order Small
Order Medium
Order Large
Order Xtra Large
Category: Studio Newsletters |
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